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Earrings Alabatu: Designed by Creazioni Cristy

Earrings Alabatu: Designed by Creazioni Cristy

Earrings  Alabatu Earrings Alabatu
Items Quantity
Rivoli 14 mm 2 pcs
SuperDuo 40 pcs
Arcos par Puca 12 pcs
Minos par Puca 12 pcs
O beads 12 pcs
Round beads 4 mm 12 pcs
Bicones 4 mm 14 pcs
Seed beads 8/0 2 grams
Seed beads 11/0 2 grams
Seed beads 13/0 2 grams
Finishing pendant
Dagger 2 pcs
Fire Polished 4 mm 2 pcs
Needle 1 pc
Thread ab. 1,5 m

For the earrings you will need:

1.Let's start. Put this sequence: 3x 11/0 and 1x 8/0, repeat for 6 times. Than close and create a circle. Make a couple of knots.

2.Get the thread out from the 11/0 beads before 8/0. Take 1x 11/0, 2x SuperDuo and 1x 11/0. Than go to the next 11/0 over the 8/0. Get through all three 11/0. Repeat 6 times and close the circle.

3.When the circle is done, get the thread out ot the top SuperDuo’s hole like in the picture. Pick up 2x 13/0 and go to the nearest SuperDuo’s upper hole.

4.Insert one more SuperDuo between two SuperDuos. Repeat steps 3. and 4. six times and close the circle.

5.After you are done, get the thread out of the upper hole of the last SuperDuo. Put the Rivoli into the middle. Pick up 2x 11/0 and go into the next SuperDuo’s upper hole, repeat 5 times to finish the circle.

The result should look like this:

Back side Front side

6.Get the thread out of the first SuperDuo’s row from the bottom hole.

7.Pick up 1x 11/0, one Minos par Puca bead, and 1x 11/0 bead. Go into the next SuperDuo (only one bead!).

8.Take 1x O-bead and go into the nearest SuperDuo’s hole, so the O-bead will be between two SuperDuos from the first row.

9.Repeat steps 7. and 8. five times and finish the circle. Get out from the 11/0 seed bead near the Minos

10.Pick up 2x 11/0 and go through the nearest O-bead.

11.Pick up 2x 11/0 and go into the sequence from the 7th step – 11/0, Minos, 11/0. Get out from the last 11/0 and repeat. Steps 10. and 11.

12.Finish the circle and get out of the nearest 11/0 after the O-bead.

13.Pick up 1x Arcos par Puca bead, 2x 11/0, 1x 4mm round bead, and 2x 11/0 rocailles.

14.Go back into the Arcos’s side hole and than into 11/0, O-bead and 11/0.

15.Pull tight. Repeat the steps 13. and 14. five times to close the circle. When you are gone, get the thread out of 11/0 near the Arcos. Now add Bicone between Arcoses.

16.Pick up 1x 11/0, 1x 13/0, 1x Bicone, 1x 13/0 and the last 1x 11/0. Then go through the whole sequence with round beade (2x 11/0, 4 mm round and 2x 11/0).

17.Get out of the bicone and pick up 3x 13/0 seed beads. Then go into the nearest O-bead.

18.Pick up 3 more 13/0 and go back to the same bicone from the other side. Repeat 5 more times and the earring is done! Great job!

Follow next steps to attach findings and a pendant

19.Get out of the nearest round bead and pick up 5x 11/0 seed beads and go into the round bead from the opposite side.

20.Get through 3 of 11/0 picked up in the step 19.

21.Pick up the sequence in the photo or create your own.

Go back through the beads into the seed bead from the step 19. In the same direction.

22.To make the shape better add 1x 11/0 into the gap near the round bead’s hole.

23.In the same manner create the loop for the findings.


Now you have beautiful earrings or a pendant! Just as you want!


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